Irland. Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Irland |
5551812-6 | |
Irish Bus | Körperschaft |
Irland |
10074619-6 | |
Irland. Expert Working Group on the Integration of the Tax and Social Welfare Systems |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Irland |
5557193-1 | |
National Centre for Biomedical Engineering Science | Körperschaft |
Galway Irland |
6063175-2 | |
The Frames (Dublin) | Körperschaft |
Dublin Irland |
7565625-5 | |
Crafts Council of Ireland | Körperschaft |
Irland |
10163626-X | |
Irland. Department of the Taoiseach |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Dublin Irland |
3065933-4 | |
Irish Congress of Trade Unions. Congress Development Education Project and Third World Committee | Körperschaft |
Irland |
10147776-4 | |
North West of Ireland Society | Körperschaft |
Irland |
10149947-4 | |
Udarás na Gaeltachta | Körperschaft |
Irland |
10152209-5 |