USA. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Government Reform. Subcommitee on Government Management, Information, and Technology |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Washington, DC USA |
16139011-0 | |
USA. Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Administration of Justice |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Washington, DC USA |
5061918-4 | |
USA. Congress. House of Representatives. Committee on Ways and Means. Committee on Ways and Means. Subcommittee on Trade |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Washington, DC USA |
1080220-4 | |
Weltbank. Development Impact Evaluation Group | Körperschaft |
Washington, DC Internationale Staatengemeinschaften, internationale Organisationen, USA |
1220797324 | |
USA. Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere |
Organ einer Körperschaft |
Washington, DC USA |
10174162-5 | |
Weltbank. Development Impact Group | Körperschaft |
Washington, DC USA, Internationale Staatengemeinschaften, internationale Organisationen |
1354740998 |