Foundations of social theory | Werk |
Coleman, James Samuel |
4501508-9 | |
Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem | Werk |
Bodin, Jean |
4505201-3 | |
La fausse industrie morcelée, répugnante, mensongère, et l'antidote | Werk |
Fourier, Charles |
4507960-2 | |
Faktizität und Geltung | Werk |
Habermas, Jürgen |
4508675-8 | |
Du système industriel | Werk |
Saint-Simon, Henri de |
4534743-8 | |
The vertical mosaic | Werk |
Porter, John |
4535724-9 | |
Manufacturing consent | Werk |
Herman, Edward S. |
7550844-8 | |
Die Multioptionsgesellschaft | Werk |
Gross, Peter |
4658405-5 | |
The natives of Mailu | Werk |
Malinowski, Bronislaw |
4677796-9 | |
Middletown | Werk |
Lynd, Robert Staughton |
4678587-5 |