De anima 1,3-5 | Werk |
Aristoteles |
7558680-0 | |
Paramārthasāra | Werk |
Abhinavagupta |
7562164-2 | |
Essays on the nature and principles of taste | Werk |
Alison, Archibald |
7562358-4 | |
Om philosophiens betydning for den nuværende tid | Werk |
Heiberg, Johan L. |
7564502-6 | |
Noctes Atticae 3 | Werk |
Gellius, Aulus |
7564541-5 | |
De natura et origine animae | Werk |
Albertus, Magnus, Heiliger |
7565907-4 | |
The ending of time | Werk |
Krishnamurti, Jiddu |
7566693-5 | |
A treatise of human nature 3 | Werk |
Hume, David |
7569933-3 | |
Ars rhetorica | Werk |
Hermogenes, Tarsensis |
7570946-6 | |
An enquiry concerning the principles of natural knowledge | Werk |
Whitehead, Alfred North |
7571465-6 |