Ulysses. Circe | Werk |
Joyce, James |
4351079-6 | |
Deirdre of the sorrows | Werk |
Synge, J. M. |
4358271-0 | |
Annales Hibernici | Werk |
Tigernachus, Cloynensis |
4415378-8 | |
The wild swans at Coole | Werk |
Yeats, William Butler |
4416530-4 | |
Mister Johnson | Werk |
Cary, Joyce |
4421858-8 | |
Herself surprised | Werk |
Cary, Joyce |
4423780-7 | |
To be a pilgrim | Werk |
Cary, Joyce |
4424144-6 | |
Krapp's last tape | Werk |
Beckett, Samuel |
4425910-4 | |
The plough and the stars | Werk |
O'Casey, Sean |
4427022-7 | |
Notizbuch / London / British Library / Add. Ms. 39305 |
Schriftdenkmal |
4427753-2 |