Sententia in librum De anima | Werk |
Thomas, von Aquin, Heiliger |
4475944-7 | |
Minos | Werk |
Plato |
4476500-9 | |
Horoi | Werk |
Speusippus, Atheniensis |
4477397-3 | |
De iusto | Werk |
Plato |
4477404-7 | |
De virtute | Werk |
Plato |
4477519-2 | |
Plato Dionysio | Werk |
Plato |
4477680-9 | |
Plato Dionysio 4 | Werk |
Plato |
4477716-4 | |
Plato Dionis et propinquis et amicis 2 | Werk |
Plato |
4478124-6 | |
Considerations concerning the first formation of languages and the different genius of original and compounded languages | Werk |
Smith, Adam |
4478524-0 | |
Epigrammata | Werk |
Plato |
4479150-1 |