The problems of philosophy | Werk |
Russell, Bertrand |
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An introduction to the principles of morals and legislation | Werk |
Bentham, Jeremy |
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Metaphysica | Werk |
Baumgarten, Alexander Gottlieb |
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Opera omnia (1951-) | Werk |
Albertus, Magnus, Heiliger |
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Bemerkungen über Frazers Golden Bough | Werk |
Wittgenstein, Ludwig |
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Śataśloki | Werk |
Śaṅkara |
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De infelicitate principum | Werk |
Poggio Bracciolini, Gian Francesco |
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Julius exclusus e coelis | Werk |
Erasmus, Desiderius |
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Res publica 6 | Werk |
Plato |
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Summa contra gentiles 2 | Werk |
Thomas, von Aquin, Heiliger |
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