URI | https://d-nb.info/gnd/170190706 |
Entitätstyp | Individualisierte Person |
GND-Nummer | 170190706 |
Beruf oder Beschäftigung | Hochschullehrer |
Affiliation | University of Illinois | College of Business (Champaign, Ill.) |
Homepage | http://www.business.illinois.edu/facultyprofile/faculty_profile.aspx?ID=116 |
Akademischer Grad | B.S. | M.S. | Ph.D., MIS | Prof. |
Ländercode | USA |
Geschlecht | Männlich |
Geburtsdatum | 1956 |
Titelangabe | Incorporating machine learning in knowledge-based process planning systems | Learning model management knowledge in intelligent decision support systems | Applying inductive learning to enhance knowledge-based expert systems |
Varianter Name | Shaw, Michael |
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