URI | https://d-nb.info/gnd/143482343 |
Entitätstyp | Individualisierte Person |
GND-Nummer | 143482343 |
Beruf oder Beschäftigung | Architekt | Hochschullehrer |
Affiliation | School of Architecture (London) | Harvard University | Technische Universiteit Delft | School of Architecture and Built Environment, National University of Singapore |
Akademischer Grad | PhD, AA Dipl.(Hons), B.A (AS), ARB, RIBA |
Ländercode | USA |
Geschlecht | Männlich |
Geburtsdatum | 1972 |
Titelangabe | Working in Series | Typological Formations: Renewable Building Types and the City. - 2007 |
Varianter Name | Lee, Christopher | Lee, Chris | Lee, Christopher Chee Meng |
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