URI https://d-nb.info/gnd/1087341027
LändercodeLand unbekannt 
Varianter NameWogsc (World Organisation of general systems and cybernetics) | W.O.G.S.C. (World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics) | WOGSC (World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics) | World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics
Siehe auchhttps://isni.org/isni/0000000100186026 | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) Deutsche Nationalbibliothek (DNB) | Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) Virtual International Authority File (VIAF) | NACO Authority File NACO Authority File

Datenquellen: DNB Linked-Data-Service (RDF/XML, Turtle) und Entity Facts (JSON-LD) | CC0

Datenquellen: DNB Linked-Data-Service (RDF/XML, Turtle) und Entity Facts (JSON-LD) | CC0